iPhone 6 Plus accounted for 41% of Q4 U.S. “phablet” sales in one month


Apple has been struggling to keep up with demand for the iPhone 6 Plus ever since it was released on September 19. While that demand might be frustrating for users waiting to get their devices, it’s proven to be very good news for Apple’s sales. How good? According to a new report from Kantar World Panel, the iPhone 6 Plus accounted for 41 percent of all “phablet” sales in the three month period ending October 31, 2014.

That means in just a little over a month of sales, Apple was able to dominate 41 percent of the entire phablet market — smartphones with a screen equal to or larger than 5.5 inches measured diagonally. In that period, according to Kantar, phablet sales made up 10 percent of the overall smartphone market. For the same period the year before, they only accounted for 2 percent of sales.

Kantar asked buyers at the point of sale what drove their choice when purchasing:
58% of those surveyed who bought an iPhone 6 Plus said screen size was the primary reason for choosing their device. Despite the more compact design of the iPhone 6, 60% of consumers who chose it also cited screen size as the primary purchase driver. The ability to connect to a 4G/LTE network was the second most important reason cited by both buyer groups.
The iPhone 6 was also a smashing success, raking up 33 percent of smartphone market share and becoming the top selling model among iOS devices for the period.

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