Microsoft partners with China Telecom for selling Xbox One

xboxone-250x180A report from Reuters explains that Microsoft’s Xbox one is heading towards China. This means the next generation gaming console will be soon sold through China Telecom that will gain access to 104 million potential customers courtesy of the deal. China Telecom is one the nation’s leading telecommunications companies that will be now Microsoft’s exclusive partner.

Xbox one which takes a gaming to a whole new level is a stunning realism with advanced AI that adapts to the way you play. It has been the boon to all the gaming freaks. It’s a new generation of multiplayer which is both smart and fast. Besides game, the Xbox one is also best at TV, movies, music and sports. It’s an all in one that you do not need to compromise on any of your favorite one. You can talk to your family and friends on Skype while watching TV or use the Bing search to find the best movies or games on your console.

The console will be sold from September according to the report, to the customers who subscribe to its broadband service. It will be the first gaming console to be sold in China after 13 years because the government of China has officially banned such devices on 2000 claiming that the devices caused harm to the mental health of children.

Yusuf Mehdi, a Microsoft corporate vice president said, “Launching Xbox One in China is a significant milestone for us and for the industry, and it’s a step forward in our vision to deliver the best games and entertainment experiences to more fans around the world.”

The price, however, has not been fixed yet, a China Telecom spokesperson, Joanna Li told the publication and added that the further detail regarding the launch will be revealed very soon. But, a picture leaked byChinese website WPDang demonstrates that the price of the console will be 3,499 Chinese Yuan or RMB which is equivalent to $565. In US, the Xbox one with Kinect was retailed for $500 and Microsoft also released a Kinect less version of the console at a price of $400.

Selling Xbox one in China is a very smart and significant move for Microsoft as its Xbox one hasn’t been sold along with Sony’s PlayStation 4. The sales have doubled since the move because of the 104 million subscribers in sight. The deal of selling this Xbox one is a potential boon for both the China Telecom and Microsoft. Now let’s hope that Xbox One will finally start catching up to the PS4.

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