Motorola’s Pure Android Smartphone and Microsoft’s Smartwatch

Android Smartphone

Motorola’s Pure Android Smartphone and Microsoft’s Smartwatch

Rumor Roundup: Motorola’s Pure Android Smartphone and Microsoft’s Smartwatch Try Carbonite for two months: (Coupon Code: TECHNO) Jon…
Android Smartphone Video Rating: 4 / 5

Drivewyze – PreClear 2.0 – Samsung tablet
Android Smartphone
Image by TruckPR
Drivewyze PreClear 2.0 offers drivers and fleets the ability to download Drivewyze PreClear onto their Android-based smartphones and tablets and try it free for 60 days. The PreClear 2.0 app is available from Google Play for Android smartphones and tablets.

What is the best android smartphone currently on the market?

Help me decide on the best android smartphone one can have…I’m not too fond on tiny screen, so any phone with 4″ and above screen size is great

Android Smartphone best answer:

Answer by Jacob
The iPhone

Intel Smartphone Reference Design
Android Smartphone
Image by IntelFreePress
The Intel Smartphone Reference Design was developed to help reduce development time and costs for phone OEMs and carriers.

Intel Free Press story: Intel Smartphone Reference Design Shortens Development Time. The Android phone features a high-resolution 4.03-inch LCD screen; battery life is expected to be up to 8 hours for 3G voice calls.

Motorola Project Ara takes on the modular smartphone challenge

Android Smartphone
While smartphone mobile platforms have, to some extent, somewhat peaked, the same cannot be said about the hardware that runs the software. And while open source software has pretty much become a part of our lives, in no small part thanks to Android, …

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