Oculus presents Crescent Bay, the new prototype of the virtual reality Headset


Oculus Connect 2014 , the premier conference for developers Oculus, the company has amazed his audience with the presentation of a prototype that gives us an idea about the next model marketed by Oculus . This new modelhas been called Crescent Bay, and has a number of new and improved features of the most interesting.

Among the most notable, we could mention that Crescent Bay will feature an audio system, incorporating a built-in glasses design headphones . These headphones offer a high-tech audio quality, which will consider our position in providing sound, trying to convince the human percetivo system that what you are hearing is real. In addition, the device screen has also been improved, so that although their technical specifications have not been announced, offer greater resolution. To enhance the feeling of immersion in games, the Crescent Bay now have a camera in the back of the device, which allows players to spin 360 ° , providing a sense of freedom in the much larger game. And most interesting is that, despite these improvements, the new device is lighter than the previous model , so there is no doubt that the company are polishing the most of your design.

Of course, from the company (which remember was acquired by Facebook a few months ago) say that the prototype is still in a very early stage of development, so for now it will not be accessible to the public, even developers platform.

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