The new iPhone 6S is just as fast as a MacBook

It wasn’t long ago that having a phone just as quick as your laptop would have seemed impossible, but not anymore.

Apple’s new iPhone 6S and 6S Plus rival its MacBook laptop in speed performance.


Apple’s iPhone 6S and 6S Plus

Several testers have been putting the iPhones’ Apple-designed A9 chips through their paces using a Geekbench application and the results have been very impressive.

Results have shown that the iPhone 6S performs about the same as the entry-level MacBook released earlier this year and the iPhone 6S Plus is even faster.

he iPhone 6S Plus has a single-core score of 2,521; the MacBook’s average is 2,295.


Apple’s MacBook 2015

The chips do differ significantly between the two units – the MacBook uses a “Core M” chip from Intel – but it’s still impressive for a phone.
Thanks to the new A9 chip, early indications suggested the new models would be around 30% faster than the previous unit and it seems that was just about right.
But it’s not just faster Apple want, but thinner too and there’s talk the tech giant could be resizing the headphone jacks to help achieve it.

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