Time Warner Cable Launches Xbox Live App on Xbox 360

Xbox on Holiday II
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The XBox was relegated to my boyfriend’s room, sob.

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Green Halo Xbox!

Time Warner Cable Launches Xbox Live App on Xbox 360

But the Tuesday launch of the app continues to position the Xbox 360 and its next-generation Xbox One as a viable set-top box that provides live TV from a variety of content providers. Doing so has been seen as a way to help get cablers and even …

Voice-Control Features Key Reason for Xbox One Regional Delays

The extra language localisation work Xbox One requires is the key reason for the console's delay across Russia and seven European countries, not supply problems, reports OXM. “I think people are using the way [voice] works on Xbox 360, which was an …

Play Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and More Games at PAX Prime 2013

Microsoft and Sony will have numerous Xbox One and PS4 games playable at PAX Prime 2013 in Seattle, WA. this weekend. Attendees of the public event will get their chance to play Forza 5, Ryse, Infamous: Second Son, Octodad, Knack, and more on the …

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